Kokopelli Dark OrangeThroughout the ages human beings have communicated with and inspired one another through stories and storytelling in both oral and written forms. Modern-day advertisers and Hollywood producers understand well the power of stories to persuade consumers to buy products and to compel audiences to sit through two-hour films. Leaders and business owners recognize the need to influence others for a myriad of reasons, i.e., to embrace a vision, attract customers, or move others to action.  Facts alone won’t compel people to follow or to act.  Adding meaning through story is what influences people. All of us respond best to well-crafted stories that inspire and rsz_geri_speakingmotivate us to take action. The most successful leaders have learned how to harness the power of stories to achieve their goals.  My work-shops are fun and interactive.  You will gain both useful insights and practical approaches to creating your success. Following are programs offering a variety of ways to apply stories and storytelling to create better results in your life, career and business. Discover Your Story to Success© System – You will experience your own “hero’s journey” by creating your own powerful path to success applying the Discover Your Story to Success© System .  This program applies Model of Success in three “Acts” or phases along with a personal Character Arc Development Process©  read more… Storytelling for Fun and Profit:  Use the Power of Story to Maximize Your Message – This program helps you identify your personal, career and business stories that highlight your uniqueness, skills and strengths.  We build on these stories to craft powerful marketing messages that reveal your authenticity and credibility so that you can attract followers and your ideal clients.
“The story workshop was fun, interactive and very educational.  I really enjoyed it!  Thanks!”  Participant, Storytelling Workshop
Story Power:  Mining Organizational Stories for Leadership, Success and Transformation  – This in-depth session helps leaders and teams (large or small) identify at least six types of positive organizational stories, sacred bundle stories and organizational heroes and anti-heroes.  Participants will learn the value and practice of storytelling and narrative in transforming organizations and building leadership skills through instilling values, communicating the vision and fostering innovation, trust, and collaboration.  Attendees will identify how to apply these stories to manage change, build stronger relationships and inspire others to better performance and greater commitment to the team and organization. 2-day workshop for teams inside organizationsWorkshop Part Standing
“The storytelling workshop gave me some great new ideas on which stories I need to know and tell  but also on how to use these stories with my clients and teams.  Thanks!”  Participant, Storytelling      Workshop
Phenomenal Woman:  Change Your Story – Change Your Life© – In this deeply personal, joyful, touching and experiential workshop you will identify your key life patterns, your archetypes, and discover how they are driving and serving you.  Are they empowering or disempowering?  You will learn your strengths, challenges, growth opportunities, and strategies for self-improvement as your examine your own heroine’s journey.  And as a result – your will connect more deeply with the phenomenal woman, the true goddess inside of you!